It was opened under the office order number F. 11074-13/2010-KVS/(HQ)/(Prash.-I) of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, headquarters, New Delhi. The school started functioning from 1st August 2011.
The school is running within the Tezpur University campus. Currently, classes from first to twelfth are being conducted in the school. Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 4 CU, Tezpur, is located within the Tezpur University campus amidst forests and a green environment and boasts a three-storey building with modern infrastructure. The sponsoring agency of the school is Tezpur University, under which it started functioning in 2011. It moved to the current permanent campus in 2013 and has the capacity to accommodate approximately 1500 students with three sections in each class from I to XII. However, currently, it has around 1081 children studying in two sections each for classes I to X and three sections each for classes XI and XII.
The total approved number of staff in this school is 45, of which 36 are in position and 9 are vacant. To regularly address the shortage of teachers, 12 teachers have been appointed on a contractual basis to ensure that the teaching-learning process in the school is not disrupted. Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 4 CU, Tezpur has a total of 36 classrooms; 02 computer labs and 06 labs including a junior science lab and a mathematics lab.