

    SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)/ NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority)
    School safety is defined as the creation of safe environments for children starting from their homes to their schools and back. This includes protection from natural hazards of geological/climatic origin, man-made hazards, transport and other related emergencies
    Local level preparedness and response
    The school has nominated a Safety Focal Point Teacher.
    The school has sensitized the school management committee.
    The school has developed a cadre of peer teachers.
    school disaster management plan
    Alert System (Centralized PA System)
    identification of evacuation routes
    access by emergency vehicles
    Caring for children with special needs
    Stock of emergency equipment and routine maintenance
    Arrangements to release students during emergency
    Site map indicating evacuation routes and assembly areas

    SOP to deal with terrorist attacks

    Preventive measures taken by the school
    Boundary wall around school building
    emergency number displayed
    lights around the border
    cctv cameras
    Centralized PA System
    alarm system